Brain Development and Learning

Learning involves acquiring knowledge or skills, which must be stored in the brain for future use. Thus, your experiences and learning continually shape and mold your brain. Factors like genetics, nutrition, environment, and experiences influence this complex process.

Multiple Intelligence

The theory of Multiple Intelligences provides a powerful framework for understanding diverse learners and enhancing their educational experiences. In this course, educators will explore how different types of intelligence impact learning and discover practical strategies to cater to individual strengths.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation arises from within, like a gentle flame glowing in our hearts. It’s the urge to engage in an activity purely because we find it rewarding. The behavior itself becomes its own satisfaction.

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is like a compass guided by external forces. We perform behaviors not for the inherent joy they bring, but because we seek rewards or wish to avoid punishment.


Self-directed learning is a process where individuals take charge of their own learning experiences, actively seeking out knowledge, skills, and understanding independently. It empowers learners to be more autonomous and responsible for their educational journey.


Imagine a learning environment where autonomy, collaboration, and creativity thrive—a space where students become reflective problem-solvers and adaptable thinkers, perfectly suited for a world of constant change and emerging technologies

The Role of the Adult

In the context of democratic education, adults play vital roles in fostering informed, engaged, and democratic citizens. 

Sociocracy in Schools

Sociocracy plays a significant role in democratic schools, fostering collaborative decision-making and empowering students, teachers, and staff.

Violence, Aggression & Conflicts

This module presents three approaches to conflicts, violence, aggression and violation of the rules. Those are worldwide recognised and applied approaches, used in many spheres of life and society. Their application in schools is proven to be a successful way of handling with conflicts and difficult situations between different members of the school community. 

Democratic Practices in big Classes

This module presents three approaches to conflicts, violence, aggression and violation of the rules. Those are worldwide recognised and applied approaches, used in many spheres of life and society. Their application in schools is proven to be a successful way of handling with conflicts and difficult situations between different members of the school community. 

Environment as a third teacher

By seamlessly integrating indoor and outdoor spaces, educators create a holistic learning environment. The environment becomes a shared experience, documented and shared with parents and caregivers. As the “third teacher,” it empowers children to explore their interests and learn from their surroundings.

In summary, the environment isn’t just a backdrop—it’s an active participant in children’s learning journeys. Let’s embrace its potential and create rich, inspiring spaces where curiosity thrives!

Benefits of Nature

The environment plays a pivotal role in shaping this process, making learning meaningful and engaging. But what does it take for the environment to become the “third teacher”?

Soft skills in 21st Century

Diversity and Inclusion

Open Schooling