Scholengroep Brussel (BE)

GO! Scholengroep Brussel, as part of the broader GO! Belgian network, specifically focuses on educational services in the Brussels-Capital Region. In collaboration with its extensive network of partners, it harnesses all the strengths and challenges of the cosmopolitan city of Brussels. The goal is to provide each child, student, and participant with excellent education and training in a secure environment. This approach aims to enable them to thrive into active, engaged citizens.


Quest stands for Quality Education in Europe for Sustainable Social Transformation. We are an European network based in Brussels that connects pioneer organizations from more than 10 European countries in order to promote change in education.  Since 2017, we strive to promote research, policies and practices that support respectful, innovative and transformative education.


Stedelijke basisschool Omnimundo, Antwerpen (BE)

Omnimundo is a school situated in the central station area of 2060 Antwerp.
Our school has a big diversity of pupils with a background of more then 25 nationalities from all around the word.
We focus mainly on reading (and the pleasure pupils get out of it), instruction and executive functions. 

Community for Democratic Education (BG)

“Community for Democratic Education” is an NGO organisation, established 2014 in Bulgaria with the aim to support the development of humanistic approach in education, freedom in education and the model of democratic education in the country. The organisation is the creator of the the first and still the only one fully democratic school in Sofia. 

To fulfil its goals, the association organises various initiatives like trainings for teachers, seminars, educational festivals.

Istituto Comprensivo "G.Carducci" of Busca (IT)

The Istituto Comprensivo “G.Carducci” of Busca is a Stata School that welcomes 1,000 pupils between the ages of 3 and 14. As highlighted in its Educational Plan, it aims to realise a vision of a school that takes into account the need for pupils to develop teaching, educational and citizenship skills consistent with the needs of today’s citizens, in an intercultural and peace education vision.
Among the school’s priorities is the strengthening of collaboration with the local area, Municipality and associations, and the acquisition of an awareness that the environment and the territory are places for learning, both individual and collective, also with a view to Agenda 2030, environmental sustainability and European key competences.

The institute therefore intends to strengthen outdoor education activities, both through the training of teaching staff on green issues and through direct experiences aimed at pupils, and moreover to enhance European citizenship and democracy among pupils. Some pedagogical themes, such as “Scuola Senza Zaino” (School without backpack) and DADA (didactic for environmental learning) characterize Istituto Comprensivo Carducci educational plan.

Albero della Tuscia (IT)

Albero della Tuscia is a democratic school located in the heart of a Natural Reserve in Farnese (IT), one and a half hours north from Rome. 

The students are between 3 and 14 years old and organise their daily school life in cooperation with the mentors, following a democratic, self-directed approach.

MTÜ Sänna Kultuurimõis (EE)

In the Village School of Inventors, it is important that each of us is respected, supported and loved, so that a person dares/is able to relax and open up to the world with all their beauty and perfection. In the Inventors’ Village School, people are treated as spiritual beings. There are no teachers and students here, there are people whose souls want to learn and develop.

Important keywords in the school program are: dreaming, creativity to adapt to new situations, relationships with people and the entire environment around us — the universe, democracy, self-confidence, love, inspiration, the search for harmony, awareness of the world — experiencing our planet as a living organism. Closeness to nature, freedom and plenty of fresh air pervade the everyday life of the newly established school. Modern technical innovations have their place, in which we learn to navigate together.

Varstu Kool (EE)

Varstu School (Varstu Kool) is located in Rõuge Parish, a rural municipality of Estonia, in Võru Country, in South-East Estonia near the border of the Republic of Latvia. This area is famous for its stunning nature, diversisty of animal species. Varstu School is a municipality school with its long history (since 1863) and traditions.  We are used to  celebrate special events together – students, teachers, parents. Parents as well as all community are interested in participating development of the school. Our schoolhouse is roomy and modern. We have good conditions for practising different sports having a gym and stadium.

Varstu Kindergarten and School are working as one institution. There are 12 children in the kindergarten and 49 pupils in our school. We have small groups which enables noticing problems when these arise.  Being a small community school we offer flexible study system taking into consider needs of every student, individual curriculum based on National Curriculum. Our school has very good cooperation relationship with the specialists from Rõuge Koostöökeskus, the centre involving psychologist, special education specialists, speech therapists. Main values of our school are trust, cooperation and innovation.

OU “Nicola Vaptsarov” (BG)

Nikola Vaptsarov Primary School is the only school in the village of Selanovtsi situated at Northwest of Bulgaria. The school opened its doors on January 12, 1958 and it is INNOVATIVE school since 2017. Also is a winner of the Golden Apple Award founded by the National Network for Children.
Nowadays it has 150 students in 7 classes from first to seventh grade. There are 19 professional teachers for whom the education and the teaching is a mission. The students achieve success in the class lessons, extracurricular activities and different kind of competitions. The school works with projects funded by national and EU programs.
There is a team for personal support (3 resource teachers, a Speech therapists, a psychologist, a social worker and 1 teacher assistant), who support children with special educational needs to achieve their potential.

The pupils have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, giving a significant meaning to their free time and helping them to be better professional orientated. In order to develop their personal interests, talents and public position, the school runs several after school activities.

University of La Laguna (ES)

The University of La Laguna is a public institution committed to research and educational innovation. The University of La Laguna offers a wide range of official undergraduate and postgraduate degrees which, together with its varied offer of doctoral programmes, covers all branches of knowledge. From the Faculty of Education we have committed ourselves to participate in numerous international projects and our interest in participating in this project lies in our desire to describe and investigate alternative pedagogies related to democratic values in order to implement these values to improve the training of future teachers and teachers for the contribution it makes to society. This last objective is closely related to our university’s objective of training citizens for the world. The University of La Laguna is a public institution committed to research and educational innovation. The University of La Laguna offers a wide range of official undergraduate and postgraduate degrees which, together with its varied offer of doctoral programmes, covers all branches of knowledge.
From the Faculty of Education we have committed ourselves to participate in numerous international projects and our interest in participating in this project lies in our desire to describe and investigate alternative pedagogies related to democratic values in order to implement these values to improve the training of future teachers and teachers for the contribution it makes to society. This last objective is closely related to our university’s objective of training citizens for the world.