Online training intrinsic motivation

Online training intrinsic motivation  Why are children unmotivated or frustrated in certain school contexts? On Wednesday 22nd of November, QUEST organises a free online training on intrinsic motivation to better understand and embrace the drive behind learning. Join us on a journey through the brain’s development to understand its functioning. The human brain is extremely […]

Estonia, day 2-3

MTÜ Sänna Kultuurimõis The Inventors’ Village School carries democratic values in such a way that children can participate in the creation of their own personal education. In many ways, learning goes through exciting projects and is adventurous in nature. The entrepreneurial nature of children has laid the foundation for a sustainable student company that sells […]

Estonia, Day 1

Tallinna Kunstigümnaasium In 2019, classes were started at the school where students can learn and build their learning process following democratic educational principles (Suvemäe school section).