Online training intrinsic motivation 

Why are children unmotivated or frustrated in certain school contexts? On Wednesday 22nd of November, QUEST organises a free online training on intrinsic motivation to better understand and embrace the drive behind learning.

Join us on a journey through the brain’s development to understand its functioning. The human brain is extremely complex, and learns in unexpected ways. Better understanding the brain allows us to apply more informed and effective pedagogical methods.

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Member Forum Open schooling

Open Schooling means transforming the school from a closed environment, to an “innovative ecosystem” of collaboration between school and society in order to expand the learning process of students beyond the school walls. On the 28th of November at 16.30PM (CET), QUEST is organising a free online session to sit together with a panel of teachers and experience-based experts to provide us with in-depth knowledge on the execution of Open Schooling.

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